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Ferry Lane Admissions

The law requires that all schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school. Admission arrangements are determined by admission authorities.

The staff, governing body and pupils of Ferry Lane Primary School would welcome you applying for a place at our school.  To do this you must follow the correct process for your child’s age as detailed below.

All applications for this school must be made through London Borough of Haringey, not this school.

Applying for a place.

For all children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, their parents/carers must apply for a reception class place if they want them to start school in the academic year September 2025/2026.


The national closing date for on time reception applications is midnight on the 15th January 2025.


The National offer date for on time reception applicants is 16th April 2025.


All Reception applications must be made through the family’s home local authority.​


For children living in Haringey, families must apply via London Borough of Haringey.


For children living outside Haringey, whose family wants them to attend this school their application must be made through their home borough naming this school as a preference on their application. 


Remember, parents/carers must apply for a place, even if:

  • They want their child to go to the local school.
  • Their child has an older brother or sister at the school.
  • They want their child to start reception in the school where they are attending nursery.


The law does not allow us to reserve reception places.


Before submitting a reception application we strongly recommend all families read the Autumn 2024 edition of the local authority’s ‘Starting Primary School’ guide and find out information about the school you are interested in.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Year Group (required)


    Your Message

    Make an Application


    More information and the link to make an application can be found here : Starting Primary School

    If a family arrives in Haringey during the school year 2024/2025 and their child needs a school place they must complete an In Year form naming their preferred schools.


    Information about In Year Admissions:


    More information on In-Year admissions and application form:  Click Here

    Please find here the Nursery Application form: Application Form 2024-25

    School places are usually offered within 10 days.

    The place offered may not be at the school the family prefers as that school may not have a suitable place available.
