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Community Engagement

Stay and Play

We also run a popular Stay and Play group in our community hall every Thursday morning 9.30-11.30am during term time. It’s a very friendly group for parents/carers with pre-schoolers who fancy a drink, a chat and a safe and stimulating environment for their little ones to play in.

Working with the Community

At Ferry Lane we are committed to working with the community and are involved in many exciting community projects


We are very proud of our successful coffee mornings which run every Friday from 9.00am up until around 12pm and are open to all parents. During these sessions we cover a range of topics such as how to support your child’s learning, healthy lifestyles, volunteering in school and cultural celebrations. Together we organise fundraising events such as the school summer fete.


Sessions often involve cooking cultural food and cakes showing each other how different food is made. Parents at coffee mornings often bake cakes for charity causes and sell them in the afternoons to the rest of the school, the money they collect is then donated to different charities of their choice.

Community Engagement Projects

Here are some of the fantastic community projects we have taken part in:


We are currently running projects such English workshops for parents which are held every Friday afternoon.


We have also started to offer our parents more training regarding their professional development with courses funded by Haringey.


We encourage visits from outside agencies such as schools’ nurse, police, and community officers from various sectors from the borough.


We liaise with the Hale village group at the engine room and we offer each other support to promote community events and programs around Ferry Lane and the Hale Village. They use our community Hall to run a pop up café every Thursday from 3.30pm until 5.00pm.

Summer Fete

We hold an annual summer fete at Ferry Lane Primary School. This takes place on a Saturday and all members of staff are involved, alongside volunteers from the parent community.

Hiring Our Hall

Our community hall and some other spaces in our school are now available to hire.
Whether you need a space for a birthday party, a local group or a sports/fitness class we can accommodate you. Please enquire at the office for further information or to secure bookings.
