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SEND & Inclusion

At Ferry Lane Primary school, we strive to be an inclusive and welcoming school with high expectations of all our pupils. We endeavour to raise the aspirations of all our pupils, including those with SEND.


To find out more information about how we identify SEND, the provision available for children at Ferry Lane Primary School and how we review provision for children with SEND, please see the frequently asked questions and documents below.


Our SENCO (Androulla Theodossiou) is our Deputy Headteacher who has responsibility for SEND and Inclusion. You can contact her by calling the school office or emailing her on admin@ferrylane.haringey.sch.uk. She works closely with the head teacher, senior leadership team (SLT) and governing body as well as all teachers. If you have concerns about your child you should speak to your child’s teacher before you speak to the SENCO.

Useful Documents

  • Ferry Lane Primary School SEND information report – View Here
  • Ferry Lane Primary School SEND policy – View Here
  • Ferry Lane Primary School Provision map – View Here

FAQs about Ferry Lane Primary School’s Offer of SEN provision

What does SEND mean?

The term SEND describes the needs of children who have a difficulty or disability which makes learning harder for them than for other children of the same age. SEND can cover a broad spectrum of difficulty and/or disability.

What kinds of SEND does Ferry Lane Primary School cater for?

  • Ferry Lane Primary school is a mainstream Primary School with a nursery. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school that caters for children with SEND in one or more of the following areas:
    • Communication and interaction g. speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
    • Cognition and learning g. specific learning difficulties (SpLD), moderate learning difficulties (MLD), severe learning difficulties (SLD), dyslexia and global developmental delay
    • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH) g. attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), depression, eating disorders, attachment disorder or anxiety
    • Sensory and/or physical needs e.g. vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI) or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI) or sensory processing disorders
    • Medical needs e.g. epilepsy, sickle cell anaemia, heart-defects or allergies

    Where pupils have medical needs we will plan and deliver education provision in a coordinated way with their healthcare plan if they have one. We will also follow the statutory guidance on supporting pupils at school with medical condition.

What are the school's policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with SEND?

  • All of our teachers teach children with SEND
  • All of our staff recognise the importance of identifying SEND early and making effective provision
  • Teachers alert the SENCO if they believe a child may have additional needs
  • We assess each pupil’s skills and levels of attainment when they first come to the school and this builds on the information we have received from the child’s previous setting
  • We continue to assess children on a half termly basis throughout their education, the data from these assessments is reviewed by the deputy head teacher. Any children who are working significantly below the expected level, make limited progress or make accelerated progress will be highlighted to the SENCO for monitoring
  • Where children already have their SEND diagnosed or identified we will work closely with the previous setting, the family and external agencies
  • The SENCO regularly liaises with external agencies to organise a variety of assessments, including Speech and Language Therapy, Education Psychologist reports, Language and Autism team reports and CAMHs.

What are the school’s policies for making provision for pupils with SEND, whether or not pupils have Education Health and Care Plans?

  • Most of our pupils with SEND have their needs met as part of Quality First Teaching. This may include:
    • adopting different approaches to meet different learning styles
    • personalised learning arrangements
    • specific school-based interventions to support their learning

    If a pupil is identified as having SEND their teacher and the SENCO will consider everything known about the pupil to determine the support that they need.

What are Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)?

  • Where the school has done everything it can to meet the needs of a child and they are still not making the expected progress, the school or parents may consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment.The process for requesting an EHCP assessment is detailed on Haringey Council’s website  If granted, the EHCP details the child’s targets and what support will be put in place to assist them in achieving those targets. An EHCP will also provide a level of additional funding to support the school in meeting the child’s needs.

What are the school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEND?

  • All pupils’ progress is reviewed regularly at Ferry Lane. The deputy head teacher and class teachers conduct termly Pupil Progress Reviews for every child in the school during which achievements are celebrated, areas for development are identified and targets are set. For pupils identified as having SEND the SENCO conducts:
    • termly Progress Review Meetings with class teachers to discuss the targets and progress of children with SEND
    • termly meetings with parents and class teachers to review and update the children’s learning plan and ‘passport’ (one page profile).


    These reviews are used to:

    • discuss what is working well and areas for development
    • review the pupil’s progress towards their goals and longer term outcomes
    • discuss and agree clear outcomes for the future
    • discuss and agree the support needed
    • share advice and information on the things that parents can do at home to reinforce or contribute to their child’s progress
    • identify the actions needed to meet the agreed outcomes and the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil, the school and other agencies

    On occasion some additional advice or assessment is sought from external agencies including:

    • Education Psychology Service
    • Speech and Language Therapy Service
    • Physiotherapy Service
    • Hearing Impaired Service
    • Language and Autism Team
    • Child Development Centre
    • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEND?

  • We make all reasonable adaptations to the curriculum and the learning environment to make sure that pupils with SEND are able to access learning.Teachers will be supported by the SENCO to plan and differentiate learning to meet the needs of pupils with SEND. This may also involve working with external agencies such as the Language and Autism Team, Speech and Language Therapy Service or the Educational Psychologist. For example, we might need to provide or alter:
    • visual or kinaesthetic resources to support learning, i.e. communication in print, concrete objects etc.
    • layout of the classroom
    • specialist resources to support individual pupils
    • individual timetables
    • individual quiet-time spaces
    • now and next boards
    • small group interventions
    • 1:1 support
    • ICT support

What extra-curricular activities are available for pupils with SEN?

  • Our school has extra-curricular activities including sports clubs, music clubs, dance clubs and art clubs. The current list of activities for this term is available through the school office. We will always make reasonable adjustments for children with SEND to attend these clubs.The school also provides opportunities for regular school trips, swimming for KS2 pupils and an annual residential trip to Pendarren for year 6 pupils. We will involve the parents in the risk assessments for these trips should their child have substantial needs.What local support, outside of school, is there for the parents of pupils with SEND? Information about local support can we found on Haringey Council’s website In addition, the Markfield Community Centre provides free impartial information, advice and guidance about Inclusion services for children, young people and families. You can find more information on the Markfield website.

What are the school’s arrangements for supporting pupils with SEND when they join the school, and supporting them to move to secondary school?

  • All children and young people with SEND and their families may be particularly anxious about changing class or school. We work with families and our partner organisations to make sure changes are planned and well managed.       Please see examples of additional arrangements for children with SEND below:Into Nursery/Reception
    • Swift transfer of records
    • Home visits
    • Work with Haringey’s Early Years Inclusion Team
    • Transition meeting with the previous setting
    • Transition plan created

    When moving to another school

    • Contact the School SENCO to share information about the support given to the child
    • Swift transfer of records
    • Transition meeting with the new setting when possible

    When moving groups/forms/classes in school

    • Transition meetings held within school with the new class teacher
    • Work with child to prepare for the next class through transition books, transition program, visual supports and visits to the new classroom

    Primary to Secondary Transition

    • Swift transfer of records
    • Transition workshops for the children
    • SENCO liaises with the Secondary School SENCO
    • Transition visits when appropriate
    • Transition meetings for families hosted in-school
    • Transition meetings for families hosted by external agencies