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Year 6 Residential trip to Wales

Our Year 6 children had an incredible time on their residential trip at Pendarren House in Wales last week.

British Library Visit

Year 1 had a brilliant time at the British Library! The day began with a captivating tour led by Sandra, who took us on a journey through the hidden treasures of the library, revealing fascinating facts and insights along the way. One of our most astonishing discoveries was that the library holds a staggering 170 […]

Searching for Spring

Yesterday, Reception class enjoyed a nature walk in our local area looking for signs of spring, as they explored shoots and buds in trees, blossoming flowers and all sorts of insects and minibeasts. It was a glorious day for observing the colourful blooms and new signs of life around us. Our little explorers kept a […]

Reading for Pleasure

Reading for Pleasure is a focus this year. We have a dedicated team of Reading Ambassadors from Year 1-6 whose role it is to promote reading for pleasure across the school. They are responsible for leading on many initiatives such as our Book Swaps, parent ‘Share a Story’ sessions and peer-to-peer reading with EYFS and […]

Fencing Community Club

Ernest from All Sports London is doing an excellent job teaching our Key Stage 2 children and their families fencing in our after-school community club. Here they are, learning the correct stance, fencing tactics and key strategies..  

Ferry Lane Phonics

Our phonics lessons are the most important and exciting part of the day!  What better way to start the morning than practicing and learning new sounds with our peers. Here are Year one reading the speed sounds from their exciting new book, which they were introduced to this week.  Reading truly is at the heart […]

Ferry Lane Music Concert

Years 3 to 6 were treated to a special music concert by Holly Cassidy from the Kids Concert Company this week. Their aim is to inspire children by showing them live music of the highest calibre, delivered by professional musicians, and they certainly achieved this!  We are all enthused by the talent before us and […]

Turkish celebration

To mark the day that Turkey gained independence and became a republic (29th October) a group of Turkish pupils peformed a dance in school. Pupils had been learning this dance for several weeks and it was a wonderful performance. After school we then celebrated with some traditional Turkish food which was delicious!       […]

Black History Month

A group of Ferry Lane pupils visited Percy House in Tottenham to learn a bit more about local black history – and most excitingly learnt about Tottenham Hotspur’s black history from some of the players! Pupils met Ledley King, Kyle Walker-Peters and Becky Spencer. As part of the workshop, Spurs Women goalkeeper Becky, men’s right-back […]

The Fiver Challenge

A group of year 4 pupils have done Ferry Lane proud! They won the fiver challenge (as part of the National Fiver Challenge) – they were given five pounds and had to develop their own business idea. Pupils from Ferry Lane Primary School set up a business and won the Best Group award for their […]
