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Awaken Genius Partnership

We are pleased to announce that we have joined in partnership with Awaken Genius.

This organisation promotes the ‘Ubuntu culture’, with its core principle of “I am because we are,” to reduce challenging behaviour in children involves creating an environment that promotes empathy, understanding, and cooperation. By fostering a sense of interconnectedness and shared responsibility within the community, we will encourage positive behaviour and reduce challenging behaviour in vulnerable children by helping them experience feeling calm and safe.

Awaken Genius run a summer programme that take place at our school during the summer holidays and, throughout the year, pupils will also have the opportunity to work with the team through fun and engaging sessions that have a curriculum focus but promote self-confidence, independence, resilience. Last year, Awaken Genius ran after school clubs for our children in Year 5 and 6 and we aim to continue this provision in the coming year. The programme has been instrumental in creating a safe and positive environment for children to express themselves and develop creativity.

‘There is Genius in everyone deep down, but it can only be awakened when you reach for it’


Year 5

‘Awaken genius has helped me in my preparation for SATs’


Year 6

Awaken Genius work with us to deliver:

  • A Community Creative Arts Curriculum: In numeracy and literacy, aligned with the National Curriculum but centred around the creative arts, movement, collaboration, emotional intelligence, and multi-sensory learning.
  • Parent-Child and Families Workshops/Events: To help parents build bonds with their children and other families.

‘Awaken Genius has had a huge impact on our children. The after school sessions are designed to promote listening and communication, enhance problem-solving skills and help our children develop the confidence to help them overcome challenges in life. The Summer Programme takes place throughout the summer holiday period follows and offers our children a safe and exciting provision that prepares them for the next stage in their education. We are grateful for the opportunity to work in partnership with this fantastic organisation’

Lisa Rawashdeh

Headteacher’s Testimonial:
