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Ferry Lane Primary School is the proud holder of an Eco Schools Green Flag. The Green Flag must be applied for every two years and to achieve it criteria in a range of areas must be met.

Here is what the Eco-Schools Team said about our efforts in working towards this accreditation..


‘We love how your Eco-Committee is represented by pupils across such a broad age spectrum, and it’s wonderful to read that they have been tasked with writing the meeting minutes. This will engender in them a sense of responsibility for and ownership of their work.


We would love to have seen your minutes to understand the planning phases. It’s wonderful to read how completing your Environmental Review helped your Eco-Committee to spot gaps in your school’s existing environmental activity and to engender in your pupils a sense of collective responsibility.


We love how your Eco-Committee fed back the findings to both staff and peers. This takes immense courage! We love how your Action Plan capitalises on your proximity to a canal and seeks to work with your school’s unique physical and environmental characteristics. This shows a considered and pragmatic approach.


Your curriculum links are practical and creative and provide opportunities for your pupils to apply and build on their newfound skills and knowledge beyond the school gates. We’re thrilled to see that topics and skills, such as gardening, are being embedded broadly across the whole school. This will really help to maximise the reach and impact of your Eco-Schools work and is testament to the hard work and dedication of your staff.


You’ve clearly looked externally and engaged with myriad projects and organisations, such as Grow Tottenham and the Woodland Trust. This is a great example of the collaborative approach we will all need to adopt to combat climate change – your application made us feel really positive for the future.


The parent quote attests to the work that you are doing with your Eco-Committee. The way they are taking their Eco-Schools work home with them and getting their families on board is an immense achievement!


We love your Eco-Code! It delivers a concise and powerful manifesto that reminds us that we all have a part to play in bringing about change. It was wonderful to read how it was a collaborative piece of work that each member of your Eco-Committee had the opportunity to contribute to.


This inclusivity will ensure that they feel a strong sense of solidarity and responsibility for upholding its pledges. Your achievements this year have been fantastic. We have no doubt that the success of your Eco-Schools work in uniting pupils, staff, stakeholders and the wider community in pursuit of a common goal must be an immense source of pride for you all at Ferry Lane.


Congratulations on earning your Green Flag accreditation!’
