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Nursery & Reception


Foundation Stage

The Foundation Stage comprises the Nursery and Reception classes both of which follow the statutory curriculum. This is organised under the 7 areas of learning.



The Nursery’s priorities are to introduce families and integrate children into Ferry Lane Primary School in the happiest and most successful way possible.



The priorities of the Reception class are to build on the 4 main principles promoted throughout the Nursery & to prepare children for their National Curriculum education.


Hi, my name is Safoora Saleem.


The Foundation Stage follows the four main principles A Unique Child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments and Learning & Development. We Home Visit new families and provide induction meetings to give you all the information you and your children need to join us.


There are two part-time nursery classes, morning and afternoon as well as a full-time class from 8:55 – 3:30pm. Children attending all day may bring in a packed lunch or have a hot school lunch for £2.20. The morning session is from 8.55 a.m. to 12 noon and the afternoon session is from 12.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. We offer places to children who qualify for 15 free hours and 30 free hours. For more information on how to claim these hours or to check your eligibilty please come and speak to us or check here: https://www.haringey.gov.uk/children-and-families/childcare-and-early-years/childcare-costs/free-early-learning-education/30-hours-free-childcare.


Children attending the nursery may also attend breakfast club which costs £2 per session and opens daily at 8 a.m.


In nursery children settle in to school life and explore the seven areas of learning in the early years curriculum through play and interaction with adults and peers.  Children are supported to build relationships with their new friends, to further develop interests from their home life and to learn new and exciting stories, songs and ways to be creative.  We are focussing on ourselves, our families and our school in the first half term of Autumn and in the second half term we explore festivals and celebrations.


For more information about the curriculum in each year group, please speak to the Class Teacher

Autumn Term 1 – All About Ourselves


Autumn Term 2 – Festivals and Celebrations

Spring Term 1 – Traditional Stories


Spring Term 2 – Growth & Change

Summer Term 1 – Little Creatures


Summer Term 2 – Exploration


At Ferry Lane we pride ourselves on being able to offer the Early Years Curriculum in a warm and friendly setting. We instill independence, thinking skills and good communication from a young age and encourage the children to make appropriate choices about how and where they would like to learn.


Each of our learning stages is run by highly qualified and experienced early years’ practitioners who have great skills in providing opportunities for young children to develop.

Our Reception

In (L) we will be busy developing our Phonic skills. We will start by revisiting Phase 1 of Phonics from Letters and Sounds Phonics scheme. We will then move on to learning the sounds and phonemes from Phase 2. Our focus in both reading and writing will be identifying the sounds, writing them and gradually moving on to segmenting and blending those sounds.


In addition to this we will be engaging in different opportunities to write for purpose by making meaningful marks in the independent writing areas: both indoor and outdoor and using these opportunities in the role play areas.


For more information about the curriculum in each year group, please speak to the Class Teacher

n (M) we will continue to chant numbers to 20 and beyond. We will be learning to recognise numbers correctly, begin to write them, count objects accurately with 1:1 correspondence and to match them to its correct amount.


We will then be moving on to finding 1 more and 1 less than an amount of objects then find 1 more and 1 less than a number. We will engage in plenty of practical opportunities to develop our skills.


We will also be learning about the 2D and 3D shape names and begin to learn their properties. We will also look out for any of these shapes in our environment.


We will also learn to continue a sequence of repeating pattern and create our own repeating patterns. In addition to this we will be exploring positional language.

The main focus in the first half of the term is to learn all about ourselves, our families and our immediate environment. In the second half term we will be exploring festivals and different celebrations.


In addition to that we will be learning about the autumn season and light and dark.

*Share a story book and talk about the pictures in the story with your child.


*Read the book that your child brings from school, practise the Reception key words with them and write a comment about how the reading has been.


*Help to complete ‘What I did sheet’ when it is sent every month.


*Play counting games, talk about numbers and encourage to count object with correct 1:1 correspondence.


*Talk to your child about the things you do at home so the children can share it in school with their friends and in their news time.


*Help your child to practise writing their name if they cannot write it yet.


*Encourage your child to talk about what they have been learning in school and talk positively to them about their school and their learning.
